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1. 全面负责阿里巴巴国际站账号的运营管理,制定并执行年度运营计划,确保平台的流量增长、询盘量提升和订单转化率提高。 

2. 深入分析平台数据,包括但不限于流量来源、关键词排名、访客行为等,根据数据洞察制定精准的优化策略。 


1. 主导产品在国际站的发布、优化与推广,确保产品展示符合国际市场需求和平台规则,提高产品搜索可见性。 

2. 研究国际市场动态、行业趋势和竞争对手情况,为公司产品研发、定价和市场推广提供有价值的建议。 


1. 熟练运用阿里巴巴国际站的各种营销工具(如P4P、顶级展位等),策划并执行有效的营销活动,在预算范围内实现营销效果最大化。

 2. 制定内容营销策略,包括产品详情页文案撰写、公司新闻发布、视频制作等,以吸引目标客户群体。 


1. 管理和指导阿里巴巴国际站运营团队,组织内部培训和知识分享,提升团队整体运营水平。

 2. 与销售、客服、供应链等部门紧密协作,确保国际站业务的顺利开展,及时解决客户问题并优化业务流程。


 (一)专业能力 1. 本科及以上学历,国际贸易、电子商务等相关专业优先。 2. 至少3年以上阿里巴巴国际站运营管理经验,有成功提升店铺业绩的案例。 3. 精通阿里巴巴国际站的平台规则、算法机制和各种操作技巧。 4. 具备扎实的数据分析能力,能够熟练运用Excel、数据参谋等工具进行数据挖掘和分析。 


1. 英语四级及以上水平,具备当下最流行的AI工具的使用能力。

2. 优秀的跨部门沟通和协调能力,能够与不同层级的人员进行有效的沟通。


1. 具备创新思维和敏锐的市场洞察力,能够快速适应市场变化并制定相应策略。 

2. 较强的领导力和团队管理能力,能够激励团队成员达成目标。 

3. 具有高度的责任心和抗压能力,能够在多任务环境下高效工作。 


应聘方式 请将简历发送至[491145152@qq.com],邮件主题注明“应聘阿里巴巴国际站运营经理 - [您的姓名]”。我们期待您的加入!




 (一)售前咨询 1. 及时回复客户的在线咨询,包括但不限于产品信息、订单状态、物流查询等方面的问题,确保回复的准确性和及时性(平均回复时间需控制在[X]分钟内)。 2. 主动了解客户需求,根据客户提供的信息推荐合适的产品,为客户提供个性化的购物建议,积极促成订单成交。 


 1. 处理订单相关事务,如订单确认、修改订单信息、处理支付问题等,确保订单顺利进行。

 2. 与仓库、物流部门保持紧密沟通,及时跟进订单的发货情况,并将相关信息准确反馈给客户。 

 (三)售后处理 1. 处理客户的退换货请求,按照公司的售后政策进行审核和处理,确保客户的问题得到妥善解决,提高客户满意度。 2. 对客户的投诉和不满进行积极应对,耐心倾听客户的诉求,协调相关部门解决问题,并及时向客户反馈处理结果。 

 (四)客户关系维护 1. 收集和整理客户反馈,包括对产品、服务、物流等方面的意见和建议,定期向上级汇报,为公司的业务改进提供参考依据。 2. 通过优质的服务,建立和维护良好的客户关系,提高客户的忠诚度,促进客户的二次购买和长期合作。 


 1. 准确记录与客服工作相关的数据,如咨询量、订单量、转化率、客户满意度等,定期进行数据统计和分析。

 2. 根据数据分析结果,总结客服工作中的问题和经验,提出改进措施和优化建议,不断提高客服工作的效率和质量。



1. 大专及以上学历,电子商务、市场营销等相关专业优先。 

2. 具备熟练的计算机操作能力,能够熟练使用办公软件和电商平台的客服工具。

3. 打字速度快,每分钟不低于[X]字,确保能够快速响应客户咨询。 


 1. 具备良好的语言表达能力和沟通技巧,能够清晰、准确地与客户进行沟通,普通话标准流利。

 2. 具备一定的英语读写能力(如有跨境电商业务需求),能够处理简单的英文咨询。 


 1. 具有较强的服务意识和团队合作精神,能够耐心、热情地为客户提供服务,积极配合团队成员完成工作任务。

 2. 具备良好的应变能力和问题解决能力,能够在面对复杂的客户问题时,迅速做出判断并提出解决方案。 

 3. 有较强的抗压能力,能够适应电商业务的快节奏和高强度工作环境。

 4. 有电商客服工作经验者优先考虑,但我们也欢迎应届毕业生投递简历。 




2. 工作时间:[排班制度,轮班制]






1. 负责从项目启动到竣工验收的全过程管理,制定详细的项目计划,包括项目进度计划、质量计划、成本计划等,确保项目目标的明确性和可操作性。

 2. 根据项目需求,组建高效的项目团队,明确各成员的职责与分工,合理分配资源,确保项目顺利进行。 


1. 严格按照项目进度计划进行项目推进,定期对项目进度进行监控和评估,及时发现并解决影响项目进度的问题,确保项目按时交付。

 2. 协调项目各参与方(如业主、设计单位、施工单位、监理单位等)之间的关系,组织有效的沟通与协作,避免因沟通不畅导致的进度延误。 


1. 建立和完善项目质量管理体系,确保项目施工符合相关的国家和行业标准以及合同要求,对项目质量进行全程监控,及时纠正质量问题,保证项目质量达到预期目标。

 2. 负责项目的安全管理工作,制定并执行安全管理制度,组织安全培训和检查,消除安全隐患,确保项目施工安全无事故。

( 四)成本控制 

1. 负责项目成本的预算编制、成本监控和成本分析工作,严格控制项目成本在预算范围内,避免不必要的成本支出,确保项目的经济效益。 

2. 对项目变更进行严格管理,评估变更对项目成本、进度和质量的影响,按照规定的流程进行变更审批和实施。 


1. 负责项目文档的管理工作,包括项目合同、设计文件、施工图纸、工程报告等各类文件的收集、整理、归档和保管,确保项目文档的完整性和规范性。 

2. 对项目风险进行识别、评估和应对,制定有效的风险应对措施,降低项目风险对项目目标的影响,确保项目顺利推进。 


1. 作为项目的主要负责人,与客户保持密切的沟通与联系,及时了解客户需求和期望,解决客户提出的问题,确保客户满意度达到公司要求。

2. 在项目结束后,对项目进行总结和评估,收集客户反馈,为公司后续项目提供经验和改进建议。



1. 本科及以上学历,工程管理、钢结构工程、机电工程等相关专业。 

2. 具有[X]年以上工程领域项目管理经验,有[具体工程类型]项目管理经验者优先。 


1. 精通项目管理知识体系(如PMBOK),熟练掌握项目管理工具(如Project、P6等),能够运用相关知识和工具进行项目的计划、组织、协调和控制。

 2. 熟悉工程建设相关的法律法规、规范标准和工艺流程,具有丰富的工程技术知识。 


1. 具备优秀的领导能力、组织协调能力和团队管理能力,能够有效地激励和引导团队成员,共同达成项目目标。

 2. 具有出色的沟通能力和人际交往能力,能够与不同层级的人员进行有效的沟通与协作,处理好项目各参与方之间的关系。 

3. 具备较强的问题解决能力和决策能力,能够在复杂的情况下迅速做出正确的判断和决策,解决项目中的各种问题。

 4. 具备良好的风险管理意识和成本控制意识,能够有效地识别、评估和应对项目风险,严格控制项目成本。 

5. 具有高度的责任心和敬业精神,能够承受较大的工作压力,确保项目的顺利进行。 


 1. 具备一级建造师([专业类别])执业资格证书者优先考虑。

 2. 有良好的英语读写能力者优先(如涉及国际项目合作)。 


三、工作地点与工作模式 1. 工作地点:[自由工作地点,根据项目地址而定],可能需要根据项目需求出差到其他地区。 2. 工作模式:[不定时工作制]

四、应聘方式 1. 请将个人简历发送至[491145152@qq.com],邮件主题请注明“应聘工程公司项目经理 - [您的姓名]”。 2. 简历应包含个人基本信息、教育背景、工作经历、项目经验、相关证书、联系方式等内容。 3. 我们将在收到简历后的[X]个工作日内与符合条件的应聘者联系,请保持手机畅通。 我们期待您的加入!

Interior Decoration Engineering Designer


1、 Job Responsibilities

(1) Soft decoration design planning

1. Based on the positioning of the hotel tent project, the target customer group, and the surrounding natural environment, develop an overall soft decoration design plan, including style positioning, color matching, material selection, etc., to ensure that the design plan meets the unique needs of the project and reflects high-end quality.

2. Participate in the preliminary planning of the hotel tent project, provide constructive suggestions from the perspective of soft decoration design, collaborate with professionals in architecture, structure, and other related fields to ensure that the soft decoration design is coordinated with the overall project planning.

(2) Space layout and functional optimization

1. Responsible for the layout design of the interior space of the hotel tent, reasonably planning functional areas such as rest areas, leisure areas, and storage areas, improving space utilization while creating a comfortable and convenient living experience.

2. According to the operational needs of the hotel, optimize the soft decoration layout to meet different usage scenarios, such as guest rooms, restaurants, conference rooms, etc., ensuring that the soft decoration design can meet both aesthetic requirements and practicality and functionality.

(3) Design and Selection of Soft Decoration Elements

1. Independently design or select soft decoration elements suitable for hotel tent projects, including furniture, curtains, carpets, bedding, decorations, etc., pay attention to detail processing, ensure that each element can blend with the overall design style, and showcase unique design taste.

2. Conduct in-depth research and screening of soft decoration materials, considering factors such as texture, durability, comfort, and environmental friendliness, to ensure the sustainable development of the project while meeting design requirements.

(4) Project follow-up and coordination

1. During the project implementation process, maintain close communication with suppliers and construction teams to ensure the accurate implementation of the soft decoration design scheme, timely solve soft decoration related problems that arise on site, and ensure that the project schedule is not affected.

2. Participate in the quality supervision of the software installation process, inspect and adjust the installation effect of the software, and ensure that the final presentation meets the design expectations.

(5) Creativity and Trend Research

1. Pay attention to the latest trends, new materials, and new technologies in the soft decoration design industry, regularly collect and organize relevant information, integrate innovative elements into the soft decoration design of hotel tent projects, and maintain the competitiveness of the company's projects in the market.

2. Based on different regional and cultural characteristics, explore unique design inspirations, give personalized design connotations to each hotel tent project, and enhance the cultural heritage and attractiveness of the project.

2、 Job requirements

(1) Educational background and experience

1. Bachelor's degree or above, majoring in interior design, soft decoration design, environmental art design, or related fields.

2. With over X years of experience in soft decoration design, those with experience in soft decoration design for hotels, vacation homes, or outdoor accommodation projects are preferred.

(2) Professional skills

1. Proficient in software related to soft decoration design, such as Photoshop, SketchUp, 3DMAX, etc., able to independently complete high-quality soft decoration design renderings and construction drawing production.

2. Have a solid foundation in color theory, spatial planning ability, and material matching ability, and be proficient in using various soft decoration elements for creative design.

(3) Ability and Quality

1. Possess strong innovation and artistic aesthetic abilities, able to provide unique and creative soft decoration design solutions, and have a deep understanding and grasp of different styles of soft decoration design.

2. Possess good communication and coordination skills as well as teamwork spirit, able to effectively collaborate with personnel from different departments to jointly promote project progress.

3. Possess strong sense of responsibility and professionalism, pay attention to details, have high requirements for work quality, can withstand certain work pressure, and ensure timely and high-quality completion of projects.

4. Possess good learning ability, able to quickly grasp new knowledge and technologies, and continuously improve one's design level.

(4) Other requirements

1. A personal portfolio should be provided to showcase past soft decoration design works, reflecting personal design style and ability level.

3、 Welfare benefits

1. Competitive salary package: The salary level is determined based on personal experience, abilities, and project scale, including basic salary, performance-based salary, etc.

2. A comprehensive welfare system:

-Five insurances and one fund provide basic protection for your career development and life.

-Paid annual leave and sick leave provide you with time to rest and recuperate outside of work.

-Holiday and birthday benefits allow you to feel the care and warmth of the company.

3. Rich project resources:

-Participated in the design work of multiple hotel tent projects, accumulated rich project experience, and broadened design perspectives.

-Opportunities to collaborate with excellent design teams and suppliers both domestically and internationally to enhance one's professional competence.

4、 Workplace and working mode

1. Work location: Beijing

2. Work mode: [full-time or part-time]

Application Method 

1. Please send your resume along with your portfolio to[ 491145152@qq.com ]Please indicate 'Application for Soft Decoration Design of Hotel Tent Project - [Your Name]' in the email subject.

2. The resume should include personal basic information, educational background, work experience, project experience, relevant certificates, contact information, and other relevant details.

3. We will contact eligible applicants within [X] working days after receiving their resumes. Please keep your phone open.

If you believe that you meet the above requirements and are passionate about the soft decoration design of hotel tent projects, we welcome you to apply actively. We look forward to your joining!